Fire Science
Degrees and Certificates
Fire Science, Associate in Applied Science
FIRE 101: Fire Fighter I
Credits 5This course, in partnership with the North Dakota Fire Fighters Association (NDFA), is offered as an on-location fire academy. This academy is designed to provide fire fighter knowledge and skills training to prepare fire fighters wishing to take the state Fire Fighter I level certification test. The academy consists of an online, self-paced classroom instruction that follows the current Jones and Bartlett Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills curriculum. The academy also includes hands-on training where candidates are trained on the fire fighter Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) identified in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, and structural-based live fire exercises. Candidates who complete this academy are eligible to attempt the certification test. ProBoard accredited Fire Fighter I certification will be awarded to those who successfully pass the testing process and meet all prerequisites.
FIRE 102: Courage to be Safe
Credits 1Firefighters must have the courage to face many risks to save lives and protect their communities. Their courage allows them to risk their own lives to save others willingly. A different type of courage is required to stay safe in potentially dangerous situations, avoiding needless risks and tragic consequences. This provocative and moving presentation is designed to change the culture of accepting the loss of firefighters as a normal occurrence. Building on the untold story of LODD survivors, it reveals how family members must live with the consequences of a firefighter death and provides a focus on the need for firefighters and officers to change fundamental attitudes and behaviors in order to prevent line of duty deaths. The central theme promotes the courage to do the right thing in order to protect yourself and other firefighters and ensure that everyone goes home.
FIRE 103: Incident Command
Credits 3This Course consists of 3 online FEMA credentials that are offered through a self-paced online classes.
ICS-100. C -- Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
IS-200.C -- Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, reviews the Incident Command System (ICS), provides the context for ICS within initial response, and supports higher level ICS training. This course provides training on, and resources for, personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS.
IS-700.B: -- This course provides an overview of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The National Incident Management System defines the comprehensive approach guiding the whole community - all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations (NGO), and the private sector - to work together seamlessly to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of incidents. The course provides learners with a basic understanding of NIMS concepts, principles, and components.
This course is a prerequisite to State Certification
FIRE 104: Hazardous Materials Operations
Credits 3After completing this course, students will be able to describe and practice basic strategies to safeguard their health and safety when their work involves potential exposure to hazardous materials. Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to: Recognize and identify the clues that determine the presence of Hazmat/WMD; Research and evaluate exposure information; make decisions and execute First Responder, defensive actions.
This course is required for Firefighter I State Certification
FIRE 105: Structure-Based Live Fire
Credits 2This hands-on class is a live fire class using Class "A" burn materials. Students will see different fire growth stages and learn proper ways to attack vented and unvented fires, using correct nozzle patterns and ways to use hydraulic and positive pressure ventilation. This class will adhere to NFPA 1403.
FIRE 106: Interior Fire Attack
Credits 2The ability to confine and extinguish modern fire is the benchmark of a good engine company. This class will use the classroom and hands-on instruction to reinforce interior attack fundamentals and advanced topics involving scene size up, positioning the attack line, advancing the attack line, coordinated ventilation, reading smoke, and interior safety principles. The classroom portion will utilize video scenarios for classroom discussion of current tactics. Classroom portions of this class will also cover the explanation of tactics derived from the recent UL and NIST studies. The BullEx digital fire attack simulator will be used during the hands-on portion of the class.
FIRE 201: Fire Fighter II
Credits 4This course in partnership with the North Dakota Fire Fighters Association (NDFA), is offered as an on-location fire academy. This academy provides firefighter knowledge and skills training to prepare firefighters wishing to take the state Firefighter II level certification test. The academy consists of an online, self-paced classroom instruction that follows the current Jones and Bartlett Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills curriculum. The academy also includes hands-on training where candidates are trained on the firefighter Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) identified in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.
Candidates who complete this academy are eligible to attempt the certification test. ProBoard® accredited Firefighter II certification will be awarded to those who successfully pass the testing process and complete all prerequisites.
FIRE 202: Auto Extrication
Credits 4This course, in partnership with the North Dakota Fire Fighters Association, is offered as an academy designed to provide firefighter knowledge and skills training to prepare firefighters wishing to take the state Firefighter I level certification test. The academy consists of an online, self-paced classroom instruction that follows the current Jones and Bartlett Vehicle Rescue and Extrication. The academy also includes hands-on training where candidates are trained on the firefighter Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) identified in NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications
Pending ProBoard Approval
Candidates who successfully complete this academy are eligible to attempt the certification test. ProBoard® accredited Vehicle Rescue and Extrication certification will be awarded to those who successfully pass the testing process and complete all prerequisites.
FIRE 203: Fire Instructor I
Credits 3In partnership with the North Dakota Fire Fighters Association, this course is designed to provide firefighter knowledge and skills training to prepare firefighters wishing to take the state Fire Instructor I level certification test. The academy consists of online, self-paced classroom instruction. The academy also includes hands-on training where candidates are trained on the firefighter Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) identified in NFPA 1041, Fire Service Instructor I
FIRE 204: Responding to Flammable Gas Emergencies
Credits 2The Responding to Flammable Gas Emergencies (FGE) course has been developed to meet current federal regulations. This two-part class consists of classroom and live-fire evolutions that will prepare students to function as a member of a fire control team during incidents involving flammable gas.
FIRE 205: Fire Department Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC)
Credits 2A course designed to enhance safe vehicle operation stresses the theory and principles of defensive driving in emergency and non-emergency situations. Motor Vehicle laws pertinent to the operation of emergency vehicles are included in the course. This class is not designed to teach the student to drive but rather to explain how emergency driving differs from non-emergency driving. It is strongly recommended that the student has adequate driving experience before this course.
FIRE 206: Heavy Vehicle Extrication
Credits 2This class is intended for current extrication-certified firefighters. The course will consist of a classroom and intense hands-on. You will be covering several types of heavy trucks and vehicles. You will practice everything from scene size-up to patient care. You will learn different ways to stabilize using cribbing, struts, and airbags, extricate working to varying heights in relation to everyday cars and trucks, and become familiar with the size and weight differences in heavy trucks. The academy consists of an online, self-paced classroom instruction that follows the current Jones and Bartlett Vehicle Rescue and Extrication. The academy also includes hands-on training where candidates are trained on the firefighter Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) identified in NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications
FIRE 207: Grain Bin Extraction & Rescue
Credits 2The scope of this course is to educate students about grain storage facility types, their construction, and their operating features. OSHA regulations, physical, and environmental hazards and potential rescue resources will be identified to ensure the response falls within the requirements minimizing fire department civil or criminal liability. Scene management and safety are discussed in conjunction with locating and making contact with the victim. Appropriate non-entry rescue efforts are identified. Various cutting tools are used in a simulated rescue to assist in the removal of grain from the system. Upon completion of this class, the student will possess the ability to function as a support member to a rescue team conducting rescue operations at a grain storage facility. The training utilizes the NDFA Mobile Grain Bin Engulfment Rescue Trailer. Each hands-on session begins with a safety briefing, which includes an orientation of the trailer, followed by rescue evolutions under live conditions
FIRE 208: Technical Rescure
Credits 2 Max Credits 8In partnership with the North Dakota Fire Fighters Association, this course is offered as an academy format designed to provide firefighter knowledge and skills training to prepare firefighters wishing to take the state Technical Rescue certification test. The academy consists of online, self-paced classroom instruction. The academy also includes hands-on training where candidates are trained on the firefighter Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) identified in NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications
Four separate certification options are available for completion of the core technical rescue JPRs
Technical Rescuer
Ropes Rescue Level I/II
Confined Space Rescuer Level I/II
Trench Rescue Rescuer Level I/II
Structural Collapse Rescuer Level I/II
Candidates who successfully complete this academy are eligible to attempt the certification test. ProBoard® accredited, Technical Rescue certification will be awarded to those who successfully pass the testing process and complete all prerequisites.
FIRE 297: Copperative Education
Credits 6Cooperative education offers students the opportunity to integrate career, social and personal development into the educational process. The cooperative education program allows students to integrate classroom study with a paid work experience related to their fields of study. It is recommended that a student has successfully completed one year of academic study.
FIRE 299: Special Topics
Credits 1 Max Credits 8A class or activity designed or customized to meet the special needs of the student or to utilize faculty resources.