

BIOL 109: The Living World

Credits 3
This is an introductory level biology course that has no lab. The class is not for biology majors. Includes: Basic concepts in Biology, Natural History, Sociobiology, Human Bio-Social interaction. (S)

BIOL 111: Concepts of Biology

Credits 3

Concepts of Biology is an introductory level non-majors transferable class. It is designed to meet the requirements of a lab science. The class focuses on basic science literacy including the topics of cellular and molecular biology, genetics, evolution, taxonomy, and environmental biology.  (S)  ND:LABSC

BIOL 111L: Concepts of Biology Lab

Credits 1

Concepts of Biology Lab is an introductory level non-majors transferable class. It is designed to meet the requirements of a Lab Science. The class focuses on basic science literacy including the topics of cellular and molecular biology, genetics, evolution, taxonomy, and environmental biology.  (S)   ND:LABSC

BIOL 115: Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology

Credits 3

A one-semester course that integrates the structure and function of the human body and is an introduction to basic chemistry, the cell, tissues, and all major organ systems. (F, S, O) ND:LABSC

BIOL 115L: Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology Lab

Credits 1

A one-semester course that integrates the structure and function of the human body. This course is a hands-on experience utilizing a variety of learning tools, and is an introduction to basic chemistry, the cell, tissues, and all major organ systems. (F, S, O) ND:LABSC

BIOL 124: Environmental Science

Credits 3

Relation of humans to their environment. Emphasis is placed on understanding current environmental issues from a scientific standpoint. (F, O)  ND:LABSC

BIOL 124L: Environmental Science Lab

Credits 1

Relation of humans to their environment. Emphasis is placed on understanding current environmental issues from a scientific standpoint. Laboratory activities will address: climate change, energy, natural resource consumption/management, pollution, population growth, sustainability, and waste management. (F, O) ND:LABSC

BIOL 150: General Biology I

Credits 3

A two-semester sequenced study of the fundamental topics of biology with an emphasis on cellular biology. The course is designed for science majors. (F) ND:LABSC

BIOL 150L: General Biology I Lab

Credits 1

A two-semester sequenced study of the fundamental topics of biology with an emphasis on cellular biology. The course is designed for science majors. (F) ND:LABSC

BIOL 151: General Biology II

Credits 3

A two-semester sequenced study of the fundamental topics of biology, with an emphasis on organismal biology. The course is designed for science majors and focuses on evolution, taxonomy, and ecology. Prerequisites: BIOL 150 (S) ND:LABSC

BIOL 151L: General Biology II Lab

Credits 1

A two-semester sequenced study of the fundamental topics of biology, with an emphasis on organismal biology. The course is designed for science majors and utilizes a variety of learning tools to study evolution, taxonomy, and ecology. (S) ND:LABSC

BIOL 170: General Zoology

Credits 3

A survey of the animal kingdom, from simple to complex. Major invertebrate and vertebrate animal groups will be covered with emphasis on structure, function, life history characteristics and evolutionary advancements of each. Topics of animal ecology, with emphasis on regional species, concludes the course. Three one-hour lectures per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 150 or BIOL 151. (S-even years) ND:LABSC

BIOL 170L: General Zoology Lab

Credits 1

 The structure and function of representatives of all major animal groups will be examined. Dissection and use of the microscope will be emphasized. The course will include a field trip to local terrestrial and aquatic habitats. One two-hour lab per week. ND:LABSC

BIOL 213: General Pathology

Credits 3
A general overview of the disease process and the mechanisms by which the human body copes with disease. Also a survey of the more common diseases affecting various body systems. Prerequisite: BIOL 115 or Corequisite: BIOL 221. (S, O)

BIOL 220: Anatomy & Physiology I

Credits 3

The first semester in the study of structure and function of the human body as an integrated whole. (F, S, Su, O) ND:LABSC

BIOL 220L: Anatomy & Physiology I Lab

Credits 1

A self-directed laboratory study of structure and functions of the human body that examines the general plan of body cells, tissues, and the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. This course emphasizes actual "hands-on" learning utilizing a variety of learning tools. This is the first semester of a two-semester course. (F, S, Su, O) ND:LABSC

BIOL 221L: Anatomy & Physiology II Lab

Credits 1

A self-directed laboratory study of structure and functions of the human body that includes the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. This course emphasizes actual "hands-on" learning utilizing a variety of learning tools. This is the second semester of a two-semester course. (F, S, Su, O) ND:LABSC

BIOL 292: Experimental Course

Credits 1
A course designed to meet special departmental needs during new course development. It is used for one year after which time the course is assigned a different number.