Automotive Technology

Degrees and Certificates


AUTO 103: Power Trains/Brakes

Credits 3
A lecture, demonstration, and performance type course covering brakes, driveshafts, differentials, clutches, standard transmissions and transaxles. Included in the course is the study of operation, construction differences, and repair procedures and use of special tools. This is a half semester course. (F, S)

AUTO 133: Power Trains I

Credits 1
An applied automotive course intended for the student who is interested in pursuing a career in automotive technology or related fields. This course is a lecture, demonstration, and performance course that covers the basic mechanical principles and fundamentals of operation, disassembly, and adjustment procedures of the following components: manual transmissions, transaxles, clutches, driveshafts, u-joints, half shafts and CV joints. (F, S)

AUTO 134: Power Trains II

Credits 1
An applied automotive course intended for the student who is interested in pursuing a career in automotive technology or related fields. This course is a lecture, demonstration, and performance course that covers the basic mechanical principles and fundamentals of operation, disassembly, and adjustment procedures of the following components: differentials, transfer cases, and automatic transmissions. (F, S)

AUTO 143: Steering, Suspension, and Wheel Alignment

Credits 3
A lecture, demonstration and performance type course covering steering gears, power steering pumps, steering linkage, suspension systems, two- and four-wheel alignment and wheel balancing. Included in the course is the study of the operation, construction differences, diagnosing and repair procedures of the steering, suspension and wheel alignment systems, and driveshafts and driveshaft servicing. This is a half-semester course. (F, S)

AUTO 155: Brakes I

Credits 1
An applied automotive course intended for the student who is interested in pursuing a career in automotive technology or related fields. This course is a lecture, demonstration, and performance course that covers the principles of operation, disassembly, and adjustment procedures of the following components: brake system hydraulics, boost systems, drum and disc brake systems. (F, S)

AUTO 161: Automotive Electronic Systems

Credits 2
This is a lecture, demonstration, and performance type of course which covers the principles of electricity as it applies to electrical circuits along with wire schematic reading, and component and connector locations to locate and find electrical faults. This includes the study of Ohms Law, Snap-On Multi-meter and Ethos certification. (F, S)

AUTO 163: Automotive Charging & Starting

Credits 3
This is a lecture, demonstration, and performance type of course which covers the principles of electricity and applies it to electrical circuits, batteries, starters, and alternators. It will include Ohm¿s Law, schematic reading, test instruments, starter testing and repair, alternator testing and repair and learning electrical fundamentals as well as troubleshooting starter and alternator electrical problems. (F, S)

AUTO 165: Automotive Electrical and Electronics

Credits 5
This is a lecture, demonstration, and performance type of course which covers the principles of electricity as it applies to electrical circuits, schematics, batteries, starters, and alternators. This includes the study of Ohm¿s Law, Multi-meter functions and faults found in electrical circuits along with many hands on practices, and Multi-meter certification. This is a half semester course. (F, S)

AUTO 168: Hybrid and Electrical Vehicle Systems

Credits 1
A lecture, demonstration and performance type course covering the fundamentals of hybrid and electric vehicles. Includes the study of history, safety, regulations and equipment required for vehicle service. High and low voltage systems, powertrains, brakes, HVAC and cooling systems will be covered. Prerequisites: AUTO 165. (S)

AUTO 188: Driveability Procedures I

Credits 5
A lecture, demonstration and performance type course covering the basics of engine diagnosis in the areas of engine condition, fuel delivery, ignition systems, emission control and scan tool diagnostic procedures to include hands-on training in all of these areas. This will also include industry-based training and operations of Snap On scan tools. This is a half semester course. Prerequisites: AUTO 165. (F, S)

AUTO 206: Chassis Repair/Body Electrical

Credits 7
This course covers the operation, testing/diagnosing, servicing of the chassis mechanical and electrical system. The systems covered will be anti-lock braking, four-wheel alignment, supplemental restraints, 4WD and AWD, automatic climate control, anti-theft systems, cruise control and other chassis related systems. The course will begin with a review of fundamentals of the systems mentioned and lead to how the system operates on the vehicle along with diagnosis/servicing system components. This is a half semester course. Prerequisites: AUTO 103, AUTO 143, AUTO 165, and TECH 109.

AUTO 209: Advanced Chassis Repair and Body Electrical

Credits 4
A production lab class where the student works on customer owned vehicles. The students are in charge of writing repair orders, diagnosing vehicle problems, repair of the vehicle and figuring labor time of the individual labor charges for the services they performed. Lab work will be performed on the following units: brakes, alignment, suspension and steering, electrical accessories, instrumentation, air conditioning, standard transmissions/transaxles, clutches, differentials, and many other areas which pertain to the chassis. Prerequisites: AUTO 103, AUTO 165, AUTO 143, TECH 109, AUTO 206 and AUTO 207. Must be arranged with Automotive Department chair(F, S)

AUTO 216: Engine Repair

Credits 7
Theory and lab course covering the rebuilding of gas and diesel engines. Topics covered are: proper removal, installation, cleaning, valve grinding, cylinder head servicing, engine bearings, hydraulic lifters, camshaft servicing, cooling, oiling systems and engine noises. This course is offered both fall and spring semesters. Prerequisites: MFGT 110, AUTO 165, and AUTO 188. (F, S)

AUTO 219: Advanced Engine Rebuilding

Credits 4
An advanced course in engine rebuilding including complete cylinder head service, camshaft degreeing and other related areas. This is a half-semester course. Must be arranged with Automotive Department chairman. Prerequisite: AUTO 216.

AUTO 226: Automatic Transmissions/Transaxles

Credits 7
A lecture and lab type course that covers automatic transmissions and automatic transaxles. A study of torque converters, planetary gears, hydraulic and electronic controls, oil circuits, valve body assemblies, linkage and band adjustments, pressure checks, hydraulic, electrical and mechanical diagnostic procedures for transmission failures. Student will also learn in lab hands-on operation, procedures and repair of various types of automatic transmissions and transaxles including removal, disassembly, measuring various components, reassembly, and installation back into the vehicle.This is a half semester course. Prerequisites: AUTO 103, AUTO 143, AUTO 165, and MFGT 110.

AUTO 229: Advanced Automatic Transmissions/Automatic Transaxles

Credits 4
An advanced course in automatic transmission/transaxles service, including overhaul procedures, and hydraulic and electrical diagnosis procedures. Computer controlled shifting and clutches will be diagnosed using volt/ohmmeters and scan tools. Diagnosis and repair will be performed on current models. This is a half-semester course. Must be arranged with Automotive Department program coordinator. Prerequisite: AUTO 226.

AUTO 286: Driveability Procedures

Credits 7
This course covers the operation, diagnosis and testing of the following: emission controls, ignition systems and fuel systems on domestic and foreign passenger vehicles. The student will be instructed in using diagnostic equipment to test various vehicles. This is a half semester course. Prerequisites: AUTO 165 and AUTO 188. (F, S)

AUTO 289: Electronic & Computer Systems

Credits 4
An advanced automotive electronics course emphasizing the diagnosis and repair of the computerized systems currently found in the automotive industry. The course offers extensive training in the various electronic ignitions, fuel injection, emission, electronic instrumentation and other electronic control devices now being used by most automobile manufacturers. Students will be working on a wide variety of current model automobiles. This is a half-semester course. Must be arranged with Automotive Department program coordinator. Prerequisite: AUTO 286.

AUTO 292: Experimental Course

Credits 1
A course designed to meet special departmental needs during new course development. It is used for one year after which time the course is assigned a different number.

AUTO 297: Cooperative Education

Credits 2

Cooperative education offers students the opportunity to integrate career, social and personal development into the educational process. The cooperative education program allows students to integrate classroom study with a paid work experience related to their fields of study. It is recommended that a student has successfully completed one year of academic study.