
Emergency Medical Services (Paramedic Technology)

Contact Information 

Ron Lawler, BA, NRP
EMS program director
Paramedic program director


Delivery Methods 

Face-to-Face: Fargo
*Hybrid: Live-video and

The Paramedic Technology program is designed to prepare the student with the necessary skills to complete national certification and obtain employment as a paramedic. Paramedics primarily provide care to emergency patients in an out of hospital setting. Through proper patient assessment and medical care, the paramedic’s goal is to prevent and reduce mortality and morbidity due to illness and injury. Paramedics are an essential component of the continuum of care and serve as a link to other health care professionals. Paramedics are responsible and accountable to physician medical direction.

NDSCS offers a certificate program and an Associate in Applied Science degree in Paramedic Technology and is affiliated with F-M Ambulance Service and Sanford Health EMS Education in Fargo. Courses start in the fall of each year. The program length will be three semesters including the summer semester. 

Clinical and field internship experiences will be completed concurrently with the classroom schedule. Numerous hospitals and ambulance services across North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota are utilized. Students may need to drive various distances to clinical sites. Additional clinical sites can be added to suit student needs. Specific immunizations and a current American Heart Association Healthcare Provider CPR card will be required before the start of clinicals. 

During orientation, students will be required to pay for and complete a background check. A previous misdemeanor or felony can prevent a student from attending clinical sites and completing the program. If you have any concerns about your history, please contact the Paramedic program coordinator.

EMS accreditation was recommended by the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP), 8301 Lakeview Parkway Suite 111-312, Rowlett, TX 75088, Phone: 214-703-8445, Fax: 214-703-8992, www.coaemsp.org. Upon completion of the certificate or degree program, students will be eligible to take the NREMT paramedic exams. 

* Special computer and internet requirements for hybrid delivery, please check with program for specific requirements.

NOTE: This program requires a tablet with a 7-inch screen or larger. For further information, please contact the program coordinator.

Admission Requirements*

The applicant must be a high school graduate or equivalent and be 18 years of age. Applicants must have the ability to meet technical standards of the program and may be required to complete a basic skills evaluation during the admissions process.

  1. Complete the NDSCS Application for Admission if the applicant has not attended NDSCS or complete a re-application if the applicant has previously attended or is a past graduate of NDSCS.
  2. Applicants without a United States high school transcript (four years), will be required to complete English language proficiency exam(s) and meet the benchmark score(s) prior to continuing the selection process. Contact the program to schedule the assessments if this applies.
  3. Hold a current State or National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) EMT or AEMT certification. Applicants not holding an EMT/AEMT certification, upon successful completion of EMS101, 110, 110L and 110P with a “C” or higher, can be eligible to apply to test the NREMT EMT exam for certification.
  4. Submit official ACT and/or Placement testing results to Enrollment Services. Results must meet criteria to enroll in English 110 and MATH 103 fall semester OR submit an official college transcript with ENGL 110 and MATH 103 completed with a “C” or higher.
  5. *Completion of BIOL 220 and BIOL 220L with a “C” or higher.
  6. Applicants will participate in a formal interview process with the Paramedic Program faculty to discuss the internship shifts as well as expectations of the program.  Interview points will be graded on a rubric.

Class selection process will be determined by the completion of admission requirements and slots will be filled by order of those who have completed all requirements.

*Program Admission Requirements are subject to revision. Please check the department or program website under Program Admission Requirements for current information. 


Upon successful completion of the required courses, (“C” or higher) students will be awarded a certificate or an Associate in Applied Science degree in Paramedic Technology.

Related/General Education Courses

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

* Program prerequisite: BIOL 220 Anatomy and Physiology I and BIOL 220L Anatomy and Physiology I Lab (See Admission Requirement #5).

An Associate in Applied Science degree is also available. Please see separate fact sheet for additional information.

Total Required Credits