Animal Science

Degrees and Certificates


ANSC 116: Animal Reproduction

Credits 3
This course will investigate the anatomy, physiology, and endocrinology of animal reproduction and the techniques for the control and manipulation of reproductive processes. (S-alternating)

ANSC 118: Livestock Health Management

Credits 3
This introduction to infectious diseases affecting livestock provides students with an introduction to infectious diseases and details the animal husbandry practices influencing the host-pathogen interactions. (Spring alternating)

ANSC 123: Feeds and Feeding

Credits 3
Principles of feeding livestock including digestive systems, nutrient requirements, nutrient characteristics and sources utilized in the formulation of balanced rations. (F-alternating)

ANSC 220: Livestock Production

Credits 3
Livestock production is intended to cover the general production and management of livestock species in North Dakota. Emphasis will be placed on beef, dairy, swine and sheep. Specific topics will include: production systems, genetics and breeding systems, herd health, nutrition, reproduction and waste management. (F-alternating)

ANSC 224: Applied Livestock Feeding

Credits 3
Applied livestock feeding will discuss practical diets and feeding for beef, dairy, swine and sheep. An emphasis will be placed on nutritional needs of ruminants in the upper Midwest and utilizing common co-products available in the region. (F-alternating)

ANSC 231: Livestock Evaluation

Credits 2
The study of evaluating breeding and market livestock based on records, appearance, and soundness. (F-alternating)

ANSC 241: Survey of Meat Science

Credits 2
This class is taught in collaboration with North Dakota State University at the NDSU meat processing lab. Introduction to aspects of fresh and processed meat technology. Corequisites: ANSC 234, ANSC 244, and ANSC 245.

ANSC 243: Slaughter and Processing of Domestic Livestock

Credits 4
This class is taught in collaboration with North Dakota State University at the NDSU meat processing lab. This course will teach the principles and procedures of meat animal humane slaughter, carcass fabrication, and meat processing. You will be required to help in all processes of slaughter, fabricating, processing, and cleaning. Corequisites: ANSC 241, ANSC 244, and ANSC 245.

ANSC 244: Value-added Meats Processing

Credits 2
This class is taught in collaboration with North Dakota State University at the NDSU meat processing lab. An investigation of factors involved in the production of processed and value-added meat products by hands-on training and classroom instruction. Corequisites: ANSC 241, ANSC 243, and ANSC 245.

ANSC 252: Large Ruminant Production

Credits 3
Large ruminant production will explore common production practices of beef and diary in the upper midwest. A focus of the class will be making production decisions based on profitability and efficiency. (S-alternating)

ANSC 260: Introduction to Equine Studies

Credits 3
A review of evolution, historical roles of the horse, breeds, and the modern day equine industry. Introduction to anatomy, physiology, selection, nutrition, health care, and stable design/management. A lab component will accompany this course. (F)

ANSC 292: Experimental Course

Credits 1
A course designed to meet special departmental needs during new course development. It is used for one year after which time the course is assigned a different number.