REFG 111: HVAC/R Trade Skills

REFG 111 will be a 3-hour long lecture-lab combination class. Some of the time will be spent lecturing, using academic course materials. The rest of the time will be spent in a lab setting, practicing the application of skills learned in theory. This course will introduce the student to common skills, tools, and competencies required for the installation of various piping materials, air distribution components, and water distribution piping used in HVAC/R. It will cover the theory and application of required skills for refrigeration lines, gas lines, venting, condensate, hydronics, and duct work. It will also cover common HVAC/R tools, safety, and best practice procedures. REFG 111 will provide actual fabrication tools and equipment where the student will be able to practice fabricating projects until they are acceptable trade quality projects. Sheet metal layout, piping leak testing, threading, priming, gluing, silver soldering, and silver brazing are examples of activities in the lab. This class may require participation in several field trips for further understanding of the profession.