
Emergency Medical Services (Emergency Medical Technician)

Contact Information 

Jaymes Feil, program coordinator


Delivery Methods 

Face-to-Face: Fargo

Online: Some Classes
*Hybrid online lectures with
weekend labs

NDSCS offers a program certificate in Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). 

The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program offers career training for entry-level positions in an emergency medical setting. Those students who successfully complete the EMT coursework will be eligible to apply to take state or national certification exams.

As members of the emergency medical services system, EMTs respond to emergency calls to provide efficient and immediate care to the critically ill and injured and transport patients to appropriate medical facilities.

EMTs use communication skills in person, via radio and in writing. A solid foundation in the basic elements of emergency pre-hospital care is developed and is required to make sound judgments in critical circumstances. Duties include patient assessment, airway and ventilation management, CPR, bleeding control, bandaging and splinting, administration of certain medications and even the use of automated external defibrillators. EMTs also help with childbirth, cardiac, respiratory and endocrine emergencies, behavioral problems, extrication and lifting and moving patients under the authority of an approved medical director.

EMTs are employed by many organizations, public and private, emergency and non-emergency. These include: ambulance companies, fire departments, recreational facilities, law enforcement, hospitals, educational institutions, care centers, search and rescue squads, transfer services, and others. Positions range from volunteer services to part and full-time employment. 

Students who successfully complete the EMT NREMT exam may choose to also pursue a certificate or an Associate in Applied Science degree in Paramedic Technology from NDSCS.

* Special computer and internet requirements for hybrid delivery, please check with program for specific requirements.

Admission Requirements*

The applicant must be a high school graduate or equivalent and be 18 years of age. Applicants must have the ability to meet technical standards of the program and may be required to complete a basic skills evaluation during the admissions process. 

  1. Complete the NDSCS Application for Admission if the applicant has not attended NDSCS or complete a re-application if the applicant has previously attended or is a past graduate of NDSCS.
  2. Submit official ACT and/or Placement testing results to Enrollment Services. Results must meet criteria to enroll in English 110 fall semester OR submit an official college transcript with ENGL 110 completed with a “C” or higher.

*Program Admission Requirements are subject to revision. Please check the department or program website under Program Admission Requirements for current information. 


Upon successful completion of the required courses, (“C” or higher) students will be awarded a certificate in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) with an emphasis in Emergency Medical Technician.

Required Courses

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

*Completion of EMS 101 (“C” or higher) within 5 years will transfer into Paramedic Program.

**Upon successful completion of the required core courses (“C” or higher) students will be eligible to take the EMT NREMT exam.

Related/General Education Courses

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

***ENGL 110 is required for Paramedic AAS degree

Total Required Credits