

BIOT 101: Introduction to Biotechnology I

Credits 3
This course is the first part of a two course sequence designed to serve as an introduction to the field of biotechnology, it¿s historical development, it¿s current and future status and the technologies used to achieve the progress to date. All aspects of biotechnology¿s impacts on our society are explored including the agriculture, medical, food science, pharmaceutical and environmental segments. The course covers the science behind the developments, the ethical challenges and societal implications associated with the past, current and future developments. Specific focus is given to developing a foundational understanding of the vocabulary and basic science associated with this field along with an appreciation for the extent the biotechnology field plays in the US and world economies. (O)

BIOT 102: introduction to Biotechnology II

Credits 3
This course is the second part of a two course sequence designed to serve as an introduction to the field of biotechnology, it¿s historical development, it¿s current and future status and the technologies used to achieve the progress to date. All aspects of biotechnology¿s impacts on our society are explored including the agriculture, medical, food science, pharmaceutical and environmental segments. The course covers the science behind the developments, the ethical challenges and societal implications associated with the past, current and future developments. Specific focus is given to developing a foundational understanding of the vocabulary and basic science associated with this field along with an appreciation for the extent the biotechnology field plays in the US and world economies. Prerequisite: BIOT 101. (O)

BIOT 210: Biotechnology Methods I

Credits 3
This course is the first semester of a two semester sequence of courses designed to train laboratory technicians in the fundamental technologies, procedures and processes utilized within the biotechnology industry. This course will emphasize technical skills development, record keeping and communication skills, compliance with federal regulations and conformity to cGMP/cGLP standards. The course will meet for one hour of lecture and four hours of lab each week. Additional lab time may be required for completion of certain units.

BIOT 220: Biotechnology Methods II

Credits 3
This course is the second semester of a two semester sequence of courses designed to train laboratory technicians in the fundamental technologies, procedures and processes utilized within the biotechnology industry. This course will emphasize technical skills development, record keeping and communication skills, compliance with federal regulations and conformity to cGMP/cGLP standards. The course will meet for one hour of lecture and four hours of lab each week. Additional lab time may be required for completion of certain units. Prerequisite: BIOT 210. (O)

BIOT 230: Fundamentals of Bioprocessing

Credits 3
This course is designed to train laboratory technicians in the fundamental technologies, procedures and processes utilized within the biotechnology industry in the manufacturing/bioprocessing of biologically derived products. The course will emphasize the basic science, cellular metabolism and growth techniques used in the industry, specific examples of bioprocessed products currently on the market, compliance with federal regulations and conformity to cGMP/cGLP standards. Prerequisite: BIOT 210, BIOT 220. (O)

BIOT X92: Experimental Course

Credits 1

A course designed to meet special departmental needs during new course development. It is used for one year after which time the course is assigned a different number.